Affordable erosion and sediment control plan designs to get your next project started and in compliance.

Erosion and sediment controls are the structural and non-structural practices used during construction activities to keep sediment in place (erosion control) and to capture sediment that is moved by stormwater before it leaves the site (sediment control). An erosion and sediment control plan details the location and schedule for the implementation of erosion and sediment controls designed to retain pollutants on-site to the extent practicable with consideration of local topography, soil type, and rainfall frequencies. The Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) Construction General Permit (CGP) TXR150000 requires projects disturbing an acre or more to develop a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) based on the site’s erosion and sediment control plan.

Why choose ProjectCompli to design your erosion and sediment control plan?

Our CPESC professionals have the real-world experience and the tools to complete the job. On average our design team has over five years of experience inspecting erosion and sediment controls. So we know what erosion and sediment control Best Management Practices (BMPs) work in relation to site conditions. Our design process includes processing remote sensing data, which gives us an elevation model of your site down to a one meter resolution. This allows us to develop a topographic map of the site to ensure your erosion and sediment controls are positioned correctly to minimize stormwater runoff. The benefit to our process is that we are able to limit your erosion and sediment controls to only those areas of your site determined to be necessary under state and local requirements, reducing waste and added cost.

For more information about CPESC, please visit the EnviroCert International website.

Design Includes:
  • Fully Customized Plan
  • CPESC Prepared
  • 5 Business Day Turnaround