Our SWPPP services are designed to ensure compliance with both the City of Austin and Travis County requirements regarding stormwater compliance for construction activities. A copy of the City’s ordinance and Environmental Criteria Manual can be found at and a copy of the Travis County Code for development can be found at

Key Requirements


The City of Austin and Travis County require that all Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plans (SWPPP) be prepared by a Professional Engineer or a Certified Professional in Erosion and Sediment Control (CPESC). All of our plans are prepared by experienced CPESC professionals. For projects located in Travis County, our SWPPP development service includes preparing your required Travis County SWP3 Summary. For more information about our plans, please see our SWPPP development section.

SWPPP Inspections

Both City of Austin and Travis County require that inspection reports be prepared by one of the following:

  • Professional Engineer
  • Certified Professional in Erosion and Sediment Control (CPESC)
  • Certified Erosion, Sediment, & Stormwater Inspector (CESSWI or CESSWI-IT)
  • Certified Inspector of Sediment and Erosion Control (CISEC or CISEC-IT)

Currently, our staff includes inspection professionals with either CESSWI or CPESC certifications. These professionals have years of experience in the construction industry and will work with your team to plan out a smart, cost-effective path to compliance. For more information about our inspection services, please see our inspections section.

Permitting and Regulatory Inspections

Our services include submitting your Notice of Intent or Construction Site Notice (CSN) to the appropriate regulatory body and attending the required preconstruction conference. Both City of Austin and Travis County require a preconstruction conference to ensure that temporary erosion and sediment controls are installed and consistent with approved plans. Prior to filing your Notice of Termination (NOT) or notice of CSN removal in Austin or Travis County, a final inspection is required with the respective regulatory body to determine if the site meets the termination requirements. After consulting you, we’ll prepare to submit your permit termination and attend the required final inspection to close out the project. Permit termination processing is included with our plans and inspection services.

For more information about our services in Austin, Travis County, and their surrounding areas, please see our services section or contact us below.